Continued from Pet of the Month: Petunia, Part 1
So, why am I still here after all these months? Let’s be frank here - I’m a big girl. Those little dogs get adopted much faster as do the medium sized dogs. They get away with much more than the bigger ones do too.
I’m a proud curvy and very muscular 80-something pound diva-tomboy. I’m compact! I’m actually shorter in height and length than my very lean 69 pound foster brother (width not so much).
Secondly, I have a blocky head. Some folks hold some reservations about us blocky head dogs- I can’t help how I look!
I also need to be the only furkid in the house. Yep, I live with a super laid back male dog but I’d prefer not . And that factors into why I don’t like to be at adoption events. There is a lot of chaos going on and frankly, some humans let their dogs run up to me and I get nervous.
The tomboy in me! I love being silly! |
Lastly, I came into foster care when I was about 1½ years old - those are the juvenile/teenage years in dogs when even a well- raised puppy struggles with impulse control and pushes the envelope. Mom suspects that I never had the puppyhood that I should have had nor did I learn many manners either. She also suspects I must’ve made the humans I once lived with mad because it’s obvious I’m frightened if you yell at or punish me harshly. This kind of negative reinforcement will only damage our relationship and bond. All that coupled with my size made me a very misunderstood girl. Have you ever been misunderstood?
Luckily, all those super-sized kisses I gave my mom the evening she picked me up from the pound really showed her how big my heart really is. How was I supposed to learn what to do if no one taught me? If I was only scolded when I did something wrong, how was I supposed to know the right thing to do?
Not having rules or boundaries is kinda stressful for us dogs. We actually like to know what to do and how to do it. Anything else leaves a world of uncertainty and can create anxiety. I was fairly anxious as I was learning to live with rules and boundaries, even though I knew that’s ultimately what I wanted. What a relief to have someone taking care of things!
What can I say? I LOVE pink and I definitely love a good cause! |
It was obvious I wasn't exposed to very much before. I didn't know how to walk on a leash - I tried to chase the cars and bark at the large mailboxes on the street. It didn't take long to understand the walking thing. When I was in the house, I would hear the slightest noise outside and bark and get myself so worked up I couldn't stop barking even though I couldn't remember what I was barking at.
During the transition to my foster home, it took a few days to trust my foster mom wouldn't put me in dangerous situations. But soon, I felt safe that she was leading me in the right direction. Through it all, I've always been very loving and have slobbered Mom with kisses while taking in this new way of living. She even lugged me out of town to her family’s house a few times and I exuberantly loved everyone there. And, as always, they loved me too even though they proclaim not to be dog-people and I’m a lotta dog!
I was even adopted out to a family with four kids and they loved me and I loved them but they did not have the time to dedicate to me so I came back to my very dedicated foster mom.
Being adorable, playing with my toy outside |
A few months ago, I heard this sound that I used to be afraid of, The Clicker. Mom has amped up my training. Now I’m always eager to hear The Clicker. If you’re not familiar, The Clicker reinforces the good things that I do at the very moment I do them. Sometimes when I’m out in the yard, I start to bark as strangers walk their dogs by, but Mom calls me back and I know if I go it’s a good thing and I love to do good things. One day, I even heard a couple say “that is amazing” when I ran back to mom as they passed with their dog. Sometimes I don’t bark at all. I don’t bark at dogs on walks or care too much about them, even when the pack of little barkers are walking too! If I get distracted by something, that’s when the
“let’s go” command is important. Ya know how I said I use to bark all the time at things outside? Well, now I know I have better things to do. Even the tree trimmers were here today with saws and the chipper and I thought napping was more important. I still bark at the UPS guy and some other pertinent things so you can feel safe but then I stop! Yep, it’s true!
I've been in foster care for a long time but I’m ready for my new home. Transitioning to my new furever home is going to be great! Mom can teach you all the words I know so you can jump right in. I really just want a human or few to hang to spend time with.
There are still some areas I haven’t had the opportunity to practice as much as we’d like but I’m a good learner. I still have times when I act like a puppy, mostly when I get excited and that’s why I need someone who will understand that.
You might think 'Well it sounds like your foster mom does? You seem to have it made at your foster home! Why would you want to leave?'
Being adorable again. Posing in 'my chair.' |
My mom loves me so much but my foster home is really not
the best place for me to be and I'll tell you why. I've done so well here and it’s quite impressive
because it’s really not the best place. You see, because I prefer my space with dogs, I only have a small area of the house where I’m allowed when my foster brother is here. Some days I don’t see much of Mom, aside from walks or playing ball and some training. I sit all alone cuddled up in chair (that she gave me permission to use); it makes me sad and makes her feel bad because I just want to be with my people. On busy days when I don't get to see as much of her, she makes it a point to lay down with me at night. I love that!
It’s amazing I’ve accomplished as much as I have given the circumstances. When my foster brother is not home, I get the run of the house, and I get to pretend what it’s like to be in a forever home where I can check to see what my humans are up to, give them some love, and just be around.
Do you know anyone that would love to have a dog like me? I really need to start learning in my new home soon. I know my foster brother is having some health issues and Mom really needs to focus on getting him
healthy. I also heard she has some travel coming up and if I don’t have a home, I don’t know where I’ll go.
I’m a sweet baby girl and I know my furever home is out there somewhere . . . can you help me find it?
If you would like to know more about and/or meet Petunia please see her listing on Paws and Prayers Adoptable Dogs and fill out an adoption application for Petunia today!