It is extremely hard when you lose a dear, beloved friend. A friend that has made you laugh, brightened your life each and every day, silently accepted your tears without judgement, snuggled with you, forgiven your faults and has loved you unconditionally. Unfortunately for dog lovers, we all know that we will have to say goodbye all too soon. Our founder, Marty Harbin, just recently lost her friend, Skye and with a heart as big as Marty's, you have to wonder how long it would take to heal after breaking. Skye, in knowing this and wanting to alleviate her mommy's pain, sent down this letter from heaven.
Hi, my name is Skye and if you are getting this letter, you probably knew me or knew of me in some way during my twelve years on earth. You may be one of the people I want to thank since you helped me medically as a vet or groomed me or just told me what a wonderful dog I was.
I was dropped off as a little pup at U-Bathe-M-Dog Wash in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The people that put my two brothers, one sister and me in a box also put a $10 roll of quarters in the box. I think we were suppose to call home if no one came and got us. My mom took a friend there to U Bathe M to look at me but instead my mom fell in love with me. That afternoon she came to see me with my new brother Freedom who is now 14. She took me out of the cage and I was smart. I licked Freedom right on the face so he and mom were sure to want me to come home with them. Freedom is still down on earth but I miss him and I know he misses me. From heaven I can see him pacing and it is hard for him to sleep. Mom put my blanket from while I was sick in with him and it seemed to make him sleep better. Freedom, don’t worry, I am running and playing up here in Heaven and waiting for you and mom. Freedom you will always be my best friend. I remember when I was little and you brought me your bone because you knew I was scared and when I had epileptic seizures, how you guarded me, sat in front of me, to protect me from bad things and the seizures were easier that way. I loved you and always cleaned your ears so I could help you, too.

We did such fun things. I remember hiking and taking a ten mile walk for a good cause. I remember Firestone Metropolitan Park and once a month this summer we went to Bow Wow Beach in Stow and I played just like a puppy once again. My mom took my picture with Santa and she got me dressed up one Halloween in a Bride’s costume. My mommy said that I was her “Heart”. When she talked I tilted my head side to side because I was intent on hearing exactly what she was saying. I always helped her because I could feel her feelings. I hope I did not take all of her heart when I left.
When she fostered this one hard beagle, I went to training with him as I was the only dog he liked. He did better and I learned quickly. Since I am a corgi/husky, I did have a tendency to want to run up the street when we got out of the yard and since Mom taught me to sit, all she had to do was yell “Sit” on one of my trips, and being the obedient girl I am, I sat.
Mom feels guilty because mom rescued dogs and feels like she gave all those needy dogs time she could have spent with me. I don’t want her to feel that way because, you see, I was a rescue dog and if she hadn’t loved me so much, she would not have helped those other dogs. In fact, I was always there to help with the puppies and became a surrogate mom for many of them. We were partners in helping other dogs.
Mom says the only bad part of loving me is having me leave her. She told me that every hurt and tear is worth it and can’t match the hundreds of kisses, cuddles and memories that I etched into her soul.
Mom was going to call me Libby (she had a Freedom and I was going to be Liberty, she is big into that advocacy stuff), and she got me in May on a beautiful day and I kept looking up into a gorgeous blue sky, cloudless and pure. She decided my name was Skye with an “e” because I was unique. It was fortuitous that she call me Skye as now I am in the Skye looking down at all of you, trying to help you and thanking you for all you have done for me. Mom said my theme song (she gave each of us a theme song) was “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”. She said there was something so ethereal and spiritual about me and maybe I have kaleidoscope eyes but I don’t know what they are. I just know I will be here waiting for her when she passes over too.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain,
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone.
Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile,
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Skye is in the Skye and is a true diamond.
February 14, 1998 – January 30, 2010
“Greatly Loved”